Roll mechanic
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This article describes the primary roll mechanic of Sagatafl, including the rules for determining the degree of Fumble, as well as Safe Rolls, Opposed Rolls, Saving Throws, and...?
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The primary roll mechanic of Sagatafl consists of rolling a number of twelve-sided dice (d12) equal to the rolled-for trait (skill, attribute, sub-attribute, or other stat), plus one extra die if the activity involves the specialization of the skill, e.g. a character whose Lockpicking skill is specialized in using improvised tools, or one extra die of the roll involves the Edge of a stat, as used in the Unit rules.
A specialization or a Stat Edge is always stated after the trait, usually before the numerical value of the trait, in paranthesis, e.g. Lockpicking (Impr. Tools) 5 or Body (Dex) 4. In the first case, the character would roll 5d12 when trying to pick locks, except when using improved tools, then he'd roll 6d12, and in the second case, the members of the Unit roll 4d12 for Body rolls except if the Body roll is completely or primarily about Dexterity, in which case they roll 5d12 instead.
Once the dice have been rolled, all dice that equal or exceed the RD, Roll Difficulty, of the activity, should be counted. For the convenience of the GM, a player may want to physically seperate these dice from the others, after the roll. Each such die, that comes up equal or higher than the RD, counts as one Success. The more Successes rolled, the better the outcome. If there are no Successes, refer to the next section.
No Successes
If there are no Successes among the rolled dice, then find the highest die, the HD. It makes no difference if there are several dice that came up with this number, just islate any one of them. Then subtract its value from the RD. This gives a result of 1 or higher (if it gives 0 or less, then there were Successes, and you're in the wrong section!).