Temp Movement Modes

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This is a repository for notes and figures pertaining to the different movement modes available to characters, primarily characters of default morphology (hum./bip.).



List of Movement Modes

This is a list of movement modes, plus three non-movement activities that are also potentially relevant for exertion time purposes.

Each Movement Mode, or Activity Mode (to use a non-locomotion-biased term) must be rated for its Base Time, which is for how long a Fitness 3 charactercan do it, e.g. 4 Hours for Walking, and for its Fitness Factor, which defines how quickly the time is increased with Fitness Levels, with Walking and Sprinting and Labour increasing very slowly, and Jog/Hustle increasing the fastest (maybe bicycling even faster?).


Riding a bicycle.


Doing sit-ups, push-ups and similar.


Longer climbs, over surfaces that are too step to allow any kind of walk-like locomotion over them. Instead, the character's motion is well described as "largely vertical", and idealy Arm Strength should feature heavily (as it will do indirectly if the Climb Factor stat is used)


A slow run. Roughly twice as fast as a Walk, 9 km/Hour for a Pace 3 character. An equivalent movement mode is Hustle which alternates Running and Walking, amounting to an average speed that is the same as for a Jog, 9 km/Hour.


The performance of physical labour, such as at a farm, or some factories or mines, involving a lot of lifting and carrying, maybe pulling at resisting levers, using shovels to dig or to shift material around (such as grain or coal).


Travelling on the back of a larger animal, typically a horse, but possibly an elephant, giant bird (flying or flightless) or simi.ar


A fast run, roughly twice as fast as a Jog, 18-22 km/Hour for a Pace 3 character.


Going through the motions of sexual activity, in terms of large muscle fatigue and cardio-vascular fitness (notably male sexual "performance" ability is independent of Stamina).


A very swift run; can only be kept up for Seconds.


Movement through water using a fairly efficient method, such as crawl-swimming or breast stroke (not dog-swimming), involving both arm and leg motions.


Movement at a normal walking speed, roughly 4.5 km/Hour for a Pace 3 character.

Fitness Factor

THe FF value is particular to each Movement Mode, assuming a bipedal character that's roughly Human-shaped and -Sized. FF values therefore do not vary from character to character, as long as they are Humans or nearly so.

An FF value of 3 denotes a Movement Move that is very sensitive to Fitness, meaning that a slight improve in Fitness gives a great improvement in the length of time in which the Movement Mode can be employed. Jogging is an example of this. An FF value of 0 denotes a Movement Mode where increased Fitness doesn't do much to increase the length of time for which the Movement Mode can be sustained. An example is Walking.

rough effect
per +1 Fitness
-1 7th root of 2 (!) x1.1 1.104 doubles per 7 levels Used for Dashing, if implemented as MM
0 5th root of 2 x1.15 1.147 doubles per 5 levels Used for Hiking and Sprinting
1 4th root of 2 x1.2 1.1892 doubles per 4 levels Used for Labour, Climbing, Swimming and Sex
2 3rd root of 2 x1.3 1.26 doubles per 3 levels Used for Running
3 2nd root of 2 x1.4 1.4142 Doubles per 2 levels Used for Jogging. Maybe Riding if not FF4
4 4th root of 5 x1.5 1.4953 x5 per 2 levels Used for Bicycling, if at all. Maybe Riding too
5 Not sure, unlikely to be used

Movement Modes and Fitness Factors

Exertion Time from Fitness Level
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Hiking 0 4 Hour 3
Jogging 3 10 Minutes 3
Running 2 2 Minutes 3
Sprinting 0 12 Seconds 3
placeholder 3
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