Temp MA Stunts

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This article is meant as a repository for Martial Arts Stunts, including non-combat Styles such as Mental Training. It's going to be a long article, divided into many sections, possibly with sub-sections.


Stunt Slots

This table gives the total (not added) number of Stunt Slots for each Style Skill Level. To find the added number of Slots at any given Skill Level, simply take the value from that Level, and subtract the value for the previous Level. The easiest way to keep track of Stunt Slots, in the long term, is to track the total number of Slots, and the total number of used Slots.

1 2 2 3
2 4 4 6
3 6 6 9 Black Belt 1st dan is Skill 5 and Style 3, so a weapon user has 6 Stunt Slots at 1st dan, and an unarmed black belt has 9 Slots.
4 8 8 12
5 10 11 15 Here advanced training begins to pay off for the mid tier
6 12 14 18
7 14 17 21
8 16 21 27 Bonus slots given to Mid (1) and High (3) as an Elite Effect
9 18 24 30
10 20 28 36 Again an Elite Effect for Mid and High tier
11 22 31 39
12 24 34 42
13 26 37 45
14 28 40 48
15 30 43 51
16 32 46 54 Keep in mind, nobody is going to develop a Style Skill, or indeed any other Skill, to this Level. Skill Level 12 is Legendary and Skill Level 14 is Mythical. What does that make Skill Level 16? Absurd?

This table defines which Skills belong to which tier, and gives a complete list of the Non-Combat Style Skills.

Tier Skills
Low tier Brawling and Wrestling. Also Dodge, and all non-combat Styles
Mid tier All Melee Weapon Skills, including Staff.
High tier Judo and Karate
Non-combat Styles Combat Wisdom, Mental Training, Movement Style (these are all low tier)

Keep in mind, Brawling and Wrestling do not occupy Style Slots. Neither does Mental Training. A character without the nMartial Style Skill has 1 Style Slot; a character with Martial Style Skill has 1 Style Slot per Skill Level.

Melee Weapon Styles

Ranged Styles

Unarmed Styles

Sophisticated and unsophisticated Skills, and Dodge.

Non-combat Styles

This for Styles that do not give direct offensive or defensive benefits, such as Combat Wisdom and Mental Training, and Movement Style.

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