Temp the scales

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This is a temporary document indended to house nformation about the numerical scales used in Sagatafl. Rather than there being one scale, there are actually several slightly differentones.

One unified table is too messy, and there should also be an RD scale, so five separate tables, one for each scale.

Value Attribute/Stat Spell or Enchantment Level Value Power Level Extent Code Value
-4 No ability -4 -4
-3 Almost no ability -3 -3
-2 Little ability -2 -2
-1 Exceedingly disabling -1 -1
0 Very Low 0 Village or Dispersed Community 0
1 Low Cantrip or trivial Enchantment 1 Impossible for passive Powers Town or Parish 1
2 Below average Minor Spell or Enchantment 2 Minimum for all passive Powers, and for most active Powers as well City or County 2
3 Human norm Medium Spell or Enchantment 3 Megapolis or Region 3
4 Above average Major Spell or Enchantment 4 Small Nation 4
5 High Grand Spell or Enchantment 5 Common maximum for passive Power Medium Nation 5
6 Very high Wonder Spell, or Artifact Enchantment 6 Absolute maximum for passive Power Large Nation 6
7 Extremy high (Possibly Mythic Enchantment) 7 Continent 7
8 Famously high 8 Very great Power Level Planet 8
9 Human genetic maximum 9 Inner Solar System 9
10 10 Mythic Power Level Entire Solar System 10
11 11 Galactic sub-Sector 11
12 12 Galactic Sector 12
13 13 Galactic Super-Sector 13
14 14 Galactic Region 14
15 15 Galactic Slice 15
16 16 Galaxy 16
17 17 17
Value Attribute/Stat Spell or Enchantment Level Value Power Level Extent Code Value
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