Temp Special GP

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This article is for temporary stuff that pertains to the 4th or "Special" GP category.


This is an overview of all the things that 4th category GPs can be spent on:

  • "Tax" for no Flaws (3 GP, plus some DPs), or for having Flaws totalling only 1 Flaw Point (1 GP, plus some DPs).
  • "Tax" for a Species Package with a very high (obscene, or multiple GPs for very obscene) UMF.
  • Luck traits (GP cost are currently dependent on the Faith attribute, but an alternative system might be proposed, where Luck Points are derived from the Faith value).
  • Increased Profstat (below-average Profstat is a DisAdvantage and thus compensated for in DPs).
  • Increased Omniskill Threshold.
  • Veteran Points (VP) (characters may also get a very few Veteran Points from being old, but GPs give many more), used to buy Veteran Traits.

More elaboration on the above to come later...

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