Morrigans Finger

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This article is an example of a permanently magic item that can be created via the rules. It thus serves to demonstrate, when read along with the other such example articles, that the rules are both immensely flexible and very light on fudgery.

L Enchantment ES Notes and commentary
1 Open 0.1 Prepares the item so that it can be Endowed
6 Focus II 3.0 Large item, Limited Categry Focus, -2 RD bonus to Green Category spells,
but only -1 RD to Weather Magic
3 Lighten I 0.4 Reduces the weapon's Fleetness Penalty from -1 to zero
5 Improved AP 1.3 Improved Armour Piercing, x2 multiplier to AP value
4 Item Toughness 0.7
1p: Resist Heat I (3d12 save vs heat and fire)
2p: Resist Rot I (4d12 save vs fungi, rot, mold, small insects)
4p: Durability III (+3 to Durability)

7 picks total

4 Preserve Body III 0.3 75% change to avert Aging-caused deteriation of body
4 Preserve Mind III 0.3 75% change to avert Aging-caused deteriation of body
4 Slow Aging III 0.8 Ages at 1/3 of normal speed (1 OP per 9 Years)
5 Improved RI III 1.2 +100% to weapon's Range Increment
5 Confer Weapon
Skill Talent I
5.4 Gives a -1 RD bonus to
3p: Ordinary attacks
2p: Critical Hit attacks (both rolls)
1p: Fast-Draw skill rolls

6 picks total

3 Minor Magical
Weapon II
1p: Magic Weapon
1p: Ghost Touch

2 picks total

4 Invested Spell
Boost Sense II
0.4 3rd level Greater Spell: Boost Sense II

The spell gives a -2 RD bonus to any one Sense

1 IL: The Spell is Invested in the item (base stats: GSL:3 AR:3d12 AT:1R, C:4/Week, D:1 Hour, R:Wielder)
0 IL: The Spell can be cast on the wielder
1 IL: +1 Improved Activation Roll, to 4d12
2 IL: 1 level Improved Activation Time to 1 Second
-1 IL: Reduce Charge Period to 4 charges per Moon
-1 IL: Reduce Duration to 2 Minutes
-1 IL: The item is Decorated

Total 1 Investment Level
Boost Sense II (GSL:3) IL:1 AR: 4d12, AT:1 second C:3/Week, D:2 Minutes R:Wielder

3 Invested Item Ability
Shrink I
0.2 3rd level Item Ability: Shrink I

The item shrinks 3 Item Size Classes (from longbow size (about 1.8m length) to the size of a shortsword),
or grows back to normal size again, each process taking place gradually over 1 Roun

1 IL: The Ability is Invested in the item (base stats: AL:3 A:3d12 AT: 1R FT:1R C:4/Week D:inf. R:Wielder)
0 IL: The Ability can be cast on the item itself
-1 IL: Slow Activation, Activation time 1 Minute
-1 IL: Function Time (for the item to Grow or Shrink) increased from 1 Round to 1 Minute
1 IL: +1 Extra Charges, 10 charges per Week.
2 IL: +2 Safer Activation, Activation Roll 5d12
-1 IL: The item is Decorated

Total 1 Investment Level
Shrink Item I (AL:3) IL:1 AR:5d12, AT:1 Minute FT:1 Minute C:10/Week, D:infinite R:Item

1 Close 0.1 Finalizes item so that it can be used
5 Highest Enchant-
ment level
12.8 Total Essence cost

This is a small longbow of very high quality (Q7), of self-composite make and a fairly high pull strengt (Strength 8), rendered magical by Sláine of Ulster via the Endowing method, but not crafted by him (the name of the bowyer is unknown). Sláine of Ulster is a character from the Ärth setting, and the characteristics of the Finger are not a secret, although not all characters know what they are, and very few know them in detail.

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