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4 Days in MarchAction Point table
Action PointsAir MagicAlphabetical section list
Alternative Representation Artificer PL tableAnimal MagicAnimal Shape Build
Archmage PointsArticleArticle completion tags
Article format guidelinesArticle in wikitextArtificer
Artificer light sourcesBankBecoming an editor
Body MagicCharm-Maker
Charsheet 2013 first pageCleanserCombat Magic
Compensatory pointsContactContacts
Creating a characterCurse MagicDates of the full moon
Defence MagicDemonology
Design Notes for the Spell systemDivinationDomain Magic
Domain Magic effectsEarth MagicEditor FAQ
ElementalEmotion MagicEssence
Essence traitsExtentFire Magic
Frost MagicGP formulaeGoodie Points
Healing MagicHorror MagicIllusion Magic
Important termsInitiative Roll and Action Points
Item QualityJump FactorLesser item
LiberatorLight MagicLightbringer
Loki refMage Factor
Magic item writeup tableMagic traitsMain Page
Main Page BackupMajor ChangesMaking magic items
Memetic ancestorMetaMagic
Morrigans FingerMost important action/combat terms
Most important character creation termsMost important general termsMost important in-play use terms
Most important magic systems termsMystery SlotsNecromancy
Number of Mystery SlotsOld FAQ content
Old Temp luck traitsOld deleted Spell Categories and RealmsPK ref
Personal reference page templatePlant MagicProfstat
Quick-SilverQuotes to be placedRD
Realm PairRnRoll mechanic
Rote-CastingRote CantripSagatafl FAQ
Sagatafl and D&D3Sagatafl and EDDSagatafl and GURPS
Sagatafl and QuestFRPSatanic Item AbilitiesShadow Magic
Shapechange MagicSimple Flaws
SpellSpell ForceSpell Realm List
Spell Realm article templateSpell SafetyStep
Strong MagicTSSTable types
Temp AK and CATemp APT vs SP
Temp ArtificerTemp Attribute cost and CFTemp Attributes and Non-Linear Effects
Temp Attributes and StatsTemp CFPTemp Charsheet Notes
Temp Equipment KitsTemp FeintTemp Flaws overview
Temp GPTemp Genius TraitsTemp MA Stunts
Temp MF and PaceTemp Metabolism and TemperatureTemp Movement Modes
Temp Observe and ConcentrateTemp Powers
Temp Special GPTemp Temporary EnchantmentsTemp Well Travelled
Temp Willpower PointsTemp luck traitsTemp the scales
Terrain typeTest tableTest table II
Thought MagicTop 12 jargonTree Magic
Undead Minion AbilitiesUndead MinionsVeteran Traits
Water MagicWealth LevelsWeather Magic
What you can do to helpWikitext reference I
Wikitext table reference IWillpower

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